Recent content by Cochaura

  1. Cochaura

    Anyone have experience with allergies to farm eggs but not storebought??

    One of my coworkers who buys our eggs developed a rash on his face after eating them. This happened at first last year, but he eliminated mayonaise from his egg sandwich and that did the trick so he was able to continue eating the eggs. Now this year, it is happening again with just the egg...
  2. Cochaura

    When is time to butcher?

    We had 19 chicks hatch the first week of July and knew we couldn't keep them all - we waited until we knew the roos from the hens and just chose from there. Two went to new homes a couple days ago- they were good strong roos but did not stick out as overly friendly or overly crabby. I brought...
  3. Cochaura

    From flock of five to a flock of one!!

    I'm so sorry that happened :( Ours were very skittish with dilated pupils for quite a few days after coyotes took half the flock. I agree with the previous post that you should get another hen for her - they are very social little animals.
  4. Cochaura

    Are chickens easy to butcher yourself?

    I found some really good threads on this site and online with detailed, step-by-step instructions for butchering a chicken. Unfortunately, I got too attached to the bunch we have now not knowing which were hens and which were roos when they were born and we can't keep all the roos. I found a...
  5. Cochaura

    Feeding fresh greens to my chickens

    There's an interesting article from Mother Earth News about the nutritional value of free range chicken eggs vs. commercial eggs. Some of the differences are suspected to be due to the fact that they are out eating bugs and greens and such...
  6. Cochaura

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    That's a great name:) Very cool looking bird!
  7. Cochaura

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    RIP Max - can't find my picture of him as an adult, but this was our handsome roo. He died a brave death fighting for his ladies. These (except for the black/grey ones) are his offspring with our Easter Eggers...sadly some roos have to go to new homes tomorrow, but can't keep them all...
  8. Cochaura

    Is this Bumblefoot?

    I've always wanted to make it to the Iowa State Fair - I grew up near the Iowa border. It took me 30 years to make it to the MN State Fair! Our roo who had bumblefoot was a houdini and made it out of every wrap, even vet wrap, that we put on him. I hope the rest never get bumblefoot, but if...
  9. Cochaura

    Need Assistance ASAP - Which are Roosters?

    Thanks again to you all! Those roos are so beautiful, I wish we didn't have to get rid of some of them-in the sunlight their dark tail feathers shimmer green! I was also worried that I was mistaken that they were all roos. I know that having that many roosters a few months from now would be a...
  10. Cochaura

    Need Assistance ASAP - Which are Roosters?

    We have to get rid of most of our young roosters before winter and we just found out tomorrow is the day. We are pretty sure we know which ones are roos (we know the two black ones with big wattles and combs are), but its our buff cochin/EE crosses that have us doubting ourselves. Here is a...
  11. Cochaura

    Is this Bumblefoot?

    I learned of a good remedy for bumblefoot at one of our local festivals this year - emu oil. We had a roo with bumblefoot, but unfortunately a predator got him before we were able to try it. I am planning on purchasing some to use on any future cases in our flock. I picked up their card so I...
  12. Cochaura

    Hens stopped laying 2 days after we got rid of our rooster???

    Ours stopped for a couple days after our rooster and some of the hens were killed by predators. I assume some of that was from the shock since they all witnessed the attack. They have been laying, but sporadically, since. One of my friends told me that if you put your hand on their backs and...
  13. Cochaura

    Knocking over water and feed and making a mess!! HELP

    Are there plenty of spaces for roosting and perching? Ours liked to stand on their feeder and waterer, but once they we added more areas for them to stand on, they seemed to quit standing on their food and water. We also got a sturdy waterer, put it on a solid block, and that has helped.
  14. Cochaura

    Molting for 5 months or sick?

    One thing we are going to try to ensure our poor picked on hen is getting enough food is put in a rain gutter for a trough feeder. I have ice cube trays dedicated to the chickens treats - I put yogurt or cottage cheese in those so they each have their own little feeding section
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