Recent content by cooltindog

  1. cooltindog

    Egg Binding or What?

    I don't work for Purina or anything, just wanted to say that. The guy I bought my quail from said he has raised them for 7 years now, in AZ. He was very clear that I feed them Turkey Starter (w/o antibiotics) until 4-6 weeks, then Purina Game Bird Layena. Layena only has 20% protein, which I...
  2. cooltindog

    Egg Binding or What?

    It is " Calcium Fortified " Calcium (Ca) not less than 2.5% Calcium (Ca) not more than 3.5% . Do they need more? Thanks
  3. cooltindog

    Egg Binding or What?

    5 of my 6 hens started laying a week ago. The 6th hen finally laid her first today. The egg had a small amount of blood stain on one end. She seems to be behaving normally otherwise. Do young hens sometimes do this? Any ideas? All my coveys are fed Purina Game Bird Layena, have constant fresh...
  4. cooltindog

    Coturnix Quail Newbie ... I have questions, can you answer them?

    Thanks for the help. I seperated her when I read your post. The covey is calm and I got my first two eggs yesterday! Yeah! They are HUGE. I also got this crazy cage system off craigslist (it's for chinchila farming) which I am going to convert to quail coops. Iam keeping "Miss Congeniality"...
  5. cooltindog

    Comment by 'cooltindog' in article 'The Chicken Castle'

    Personally, I think you should consider moonlighting and making castle guest homes for people, or a fairytale bed and breakfast! Kudos!
  6. cooltindog

    Coturnix Quail Newbie ... I have questions, can you answer them?

    So I seperated them as described in 4th post. Today, one of the hens started acting up. She is chasing the roo and pecking at the other hens if they get near the roo. There has been no blood shed, and I have not witnessed any feather pulling, but she seems ? agitated ? Is this most likely...
  7. cooltindog

    Coturnix Quail Newbie ... I have questions, can you answer them?

    I sexed them today... 6 hens, 4 roosters. seperated into twon coops, 6 hens and one rooster in #1, 3 roosters in #2. We will see how it goes!
  8. cooltindog

    Another Newbie Coturnix Quail Question :)

    Thanks for the advice. I ordered the additions to get a broader bloodline. I am planning on integrating the 2 "families" in a couple months (?). I have not been able to find any info on how to best do this. My current coop is set up to be quartered, with 5 quail in each 1/4, 1 roo and 4 hens...
  9. cooltindog

    Another Newbie Coturnix Quail Question :)

    My 10 Coturnix are close to six weeks old. I just ordered hatching eggs from a different supplier. Do I need to seperate/quarantine the hatchlings from my existing quail after they hatch and brood? If so, how far apart and for how long? Thanks, Carl
  10. cooltindog

    Coturnix Quail Newbie ... I have questions, can you answer them?

    Sincere Thanks for your help and experience! Carl
  11. cooltindog

    Coturnix Quail Newbie ... I have questions, can you answer them?

    Background: I bought 10 Coturnix 2.5 weeks ago. They were "around 3 weeks old" when I bought them. They seem pretty healthy. I have them in a 2' x 5' coop. They have a waterer that holds one quart, and a galvanized feeder with a one quart mason jar, and a dirt bath. They are now on 1/2" hardware...
  12. cooltindog

    Frisky 4-5 week olds?

    I just got my first Coturnix quail last Friday. They are 4-5 weeks old. Today many of them started "jumping" around a lot. They don't seem distressed, just jumping. Is this most likely them getting frisky because they are maturing? or should I be concerned about something? Thanks!
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