Recent content by Crazyjane

  1. Crazyjane

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to the board. Finding lots of interesting topics here! We have 15 Hens(various breeds) One Rooster, and one Pekin duck. We purchased our birds in the fall, mostly young girls. They have been giving us 3-5 eggs a day. Love them all!
  2. Crazyjane

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Hi everyone! I got 4 eggs out of 16 chickens..most of them are still young or just beginning to lay. 3 brown and one very large aqua egg.
  3. Crazyjane

    egg laying

    thanks so much! I like to be on top of picking up the eggs! We have been getting 4 eggs a day so far. Our chickens were young when we purchased them in the fall. So now that they have started laying it's so exciting we are like little kids waiting for Christmas!
  4. Crazyjane

    egg laying

    Hi, I'm new here. We have 16 chickens of various breeds. Does anyone know how long it takes a chicken to lay an egg..during the egg laying process...not sure if I'm asking it right. If a hen is in a box to lay approx. how long until she lays the egg... Thanks!
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