egg laying


8 Years
Jan 28, 2011
Hi, I'm new here. We have 16 chickens of various breeds. Does anyone know how long it takes a chicken to lay an egg..during the egg laying process...not sure if I'm asking it right. If a hen is in a box to lay approx. how long until she lays the egg...
In short, it varies. I had a RSL who ran out of the coop every morning practically crossing her legs to hold it in. Most days she made it to the nestbox in time to drop the egg (occasionally it fell out of her just in front of the nestbox), then emerged to start her day of foraging in a much more relaxed state. And I have a BO who enjoys her alone time in the nest and will sometimes sit in there for 3-4 hours before laying her egg.
thanks so much! I like to be on top of picking up the eggs! We have been getting 4 eggs a day so far. Our chickens were young when we purchased them in the fall. So now that they have started laying it's so exciting we are like little kids waiting for Christmas!
Your BO does that too? I wonder if it's a breed thing? My Buffy takes forevah to lay her egg. The others vary but mostly go in, lay and go out again...
My BOs sometimes just go in after the others lay just to keep those eggs warm for me. Kinda funny when you scoop out three aqua eggs from under them. The RIR is in there just a few moments. The EEs are usually a little lolly-gaggy, maybe 45 minutes or less. The Maran that is laying... I think may be along the RIR speed. I only caught her in there the first few eggs. I've had the EEs look at me, then lay their eggs and leave since I just scooped them up... so maybe they were waiting a bit for me to pick them up before taking them and got impatient.
Yes, knowing of BO's propensity for going broody, the first time I saw her sitting there all morning, I got excited and thought "aha, here we go". But then she laid her egg and left. Now she's a year and a half old and has never gone broody so the likelihood she ever will, is fading
And, she still likes to take her time sitting in the nest so - I figure that's just her. But maybe you're right and its a breed thing.
This morning, I went out to water at 6 am and the hens hadn't started. Went back out 35 minutes later and 11 production reds had ALL LAID. AND in the the same box!! What a hoot. Those little red hens are quick!! In, Drop and out. Meanwhile, the Black Sex Link was still in the box. It takes all day for them to take their allotted meditation times. Oh yeah!! very breed dependent.
It does vary. My EEs are silent and quick. My BO, who hasn't laid in months due to a moult, would sit in the nest box for two hours. Perhaps it could be a breed thing...
Fred's Hens :

This morning, I went out to water at 6 am and the hens hadn't started. Went back out 35 minutes later and 11 production reds had ALL LAID. AND in the the same box!! What a hoot. Those little red hens are quick!! In, Drop and out. .


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