Recent content by cruelshoes

  1. cruelshoes

    Pros and cons of letting a broody hen hatch eggs?

    Thanks for all the responses. Lots of food for thought. We don't have a rooster (we live in the 'burbs), so all the eggs she has been sitting on for the last day or do are infertile. If we wanted her to hatch eggs, we would have to get some fertile ones. Would chicks hatched at this time of...
  2. cruelshoes

    Pros and cons of letting a broody hen hatch eggs?

    We just took 3 eggs out from under her. They were very warm - almost hot. Can we eat them, or will her body heat have made them unsafe? No eggs from the other chickens yet today......
  3. cruelshoes

    Pros and cons of letting a broody hen hatch eggs?

    One of our hens has gone broody. We are trying to figure out what to do, if we want to let her hatch some eggs, or if we want to try to get her over it. What are the pros and cons or allowing a broody hen to hatch eggs. New chicks is both a pro and a con for us, since we are stretched to the...
  4. cruelshoes

    What is wrong with people??!!

    That really is sad. I hope you find a good home for them. Are there any vets in your area that offer free spay/neuter service? That way whomever you give them to would be assured of not adding to the unwanted pet population when those kitties get older. That might be why these got dumped in...
  5. cruelshoes

    How do you say the word Araucana

    According to , it is pronounced ar-uh-kah-nuh
  6. cruelshoes

    Article about heritage turkeys in Seattle Times

    This was in the Seattle Times this weekend. I thought it might be of interest to those who keep turkeys. Pilgrims Progress
  7. cruelshoes

    I have Green Eggs! Can I eat them?

    You can eat them in a box, and you can eat them with a fox. You can eat them here and there - you can eat them anywhere. I can't wait until we get our first EE egg! I hope they are green......
  8. cruelshoes

    Does what they eat change the flavor of the eggs? Raspberries

    Quote: I like your thinking. That would be very eficient!
  9. cruelshoes

    Does what they eat change the flavor of the eggs? Raspberries

    I made seedless raspberry jam this weekend, and have lots of raspberry seeds/pulp left over. I know how much the chickens love our raspberries, so I decided to give them some. I put some of the pulp and seeds in a bowl and put in the coop. They didn't just like it - they loved it. There was...
  10. cruelshoes

    Bread Box Incubator

    You are all so creative - you put Macgyver to shame! I hope Barg does not see this thread because he will want to hatch eggs in a homemade incubator for sure. I have too many projects around the house I need him to do first!
  11. cruelshoes

    Does anyone suffer from Gluten intolerance?

    Quote: Here is my favorite GF pie dough recipe: Perfect Pie Crust is also a good source for GF food in the USA. That won't help Bantymum, but it might help somoene else here. Bob's Red Mill makes the best GF chocolate cake mix, IMO. They even have the GF oats available now...
  12. cruelshoes

    GAHHH!!!! THe batcholor pad was dug under!!!

    Quote: We have fox down here in Federal Way. We have coyote, too. Everett is a similar community, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were up there too. Bummer about the chickens. I hope you catch the varmint that did it.
  13. cruelshoes

    Does anyone suffer from Gluten intolerance?

    Quote: Shelly is correct. If you believe you have celiac disease, I would encourage you to get tested as soon as possible, while still eating gluten. If you go GF before the testing you run the risk of healing up enough to get a false negative. The first step to a diagnosis is actually a...
  14. cruelshoes

    Does anyone suffer from Gluten intolerance?

    My son and I have celiac disease, which, as Rebeccahorse mentioned, is an intollerance to gluten. Gluten is found in any food derived from wheat, barley, rye and some oats. We have a completely gluten free home, and have for 2 years. I went undiagnosed for 18 years, and nearly died of...
  15. cruelshoes

    homemade and homegrown

    Quote: Oh yes it is! "You look like Minnie Pearl , just you and me punk rock giiiirl..."
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