Recent content by DaFoz

  1. DaFoz

    Need help with Child with Catheter

    Hi, sorry 'bout you all having to deal with this! We would put a tube sock that had the toe cut off over the leg then put the rubber straps over that-- no irritation. Also remember that the urine has to flow downhill or he will be prone to infections if the urine remails in the bladder too long...
  2. DaFoz

    Has anyone made the Mother Earth News portable coop?

    It used an old barn style dog house,with a divider for the nesting boxes.
  3. DaFoz

    Can I use my shredded paper as nesting material ?

    Or would the assorted inks etc. cause them difficulties?
  4. DaFoz

    Hi!! I am a newbie from Vancouver Island BC Canada

    I am planning a very small flock for eggs in a municipality that does not have a by-law pro or con for chickens,my neighbours are OK with the idea. I am using the Mother Earth News instructions for the dog house coop. Got one from Freecycle. Can't wait for the adventure to begin, I have had...
  5. DaFoz

    Bantams or fullsize for eggs?

    I am planning an under-the -radar chicken flock of 2 or 3 hens for eggs. Would I be better with banties or full size hens, and if banties how many bantie eggs equal a reg. egg for baking???
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