Recent content by deana510

  1. deana510

    Wyandotte or Easter Egger, Roos or not....

    Roos americauna (eater eggers) the4th picture looks like a 4) brown red male the others i dont know the type of that easter egger hope this helps
  2. deana510

    chicken issues

    My chicken was attacked by an eagle sometime near july she healed from the attack but recently i have found a fatty syist or something eles we have blu coated it and we've vetericyn (it its a sray to help with wounds and infections) last night we washed it with dawn soap and warm water what eles...
  3. deana510

    Comb Contest - Pea! -- ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

    Name: Duke Gender: Cockerel Age: 5 months Breed: Ameracauna
  4. deana510

    Not sure if this is a Plymoth Rock or a Holland and if it is a PR is it male or female?

    ok thanks, I looked up cuckoo marans which are not listed on this web site under breeds or I would have included the breed in my list and see that they do look alike. My family is new to the chicken world. My daugther joined FFA.
  5. deana510

    Not sure if this is a Plymoth Rock or a Holland and if it is a PR is it male or female?

    If you look up PR's the females get big waddles and combs also the male gets enlongated waddles though that is why i am not sure if it is a PR and if it is going to be male or female we got them on the 15th of october from a feed and farm store they said they were about 3 weeks old so it is...
  6. deana510

    Not sure if this is a Plymoth Rock or a Holland and if it is a PR is it male or female?

    It has rounded feathers and pointed feathers small stub spurs and also crows. But I have been told that females can crow sometime also. Please help!
  7. Default


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