Recent content by DeneiseJunior

  1. DeneiseJunior

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I get varying numbers from day to day, lately I get 5 to 7 from 12 hens, 5 SLW's and 7 RIR's . And someone in the coop is breaking eggs...What do I do about that?
  2. DeneiseJunior

    Comment by 'DeneiseJunior' in article '"The Coop" est. 2013'

    Now I know what I am missing, chairs! I went to visit my girls and their fellas today before getting ready for my nap. Everyone came to the doors to greet me! They make me so happy!
  3. DeneiseJunior

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    My rhodies are still 2/6. My Silver laced wyandottes are 5/5
  4. DeneiseJunior

    Rain and chickens??

    Today would be a good day in NC to see how my RIRs like the rain. But I don't go out in it until it is absolutely necessary. I have a nice dry coop for them to stay in, maybe it will slack up enough for them to get out to the hanging feeder after a while.
  5. DeneiseJunior

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/7 today. Now I am certain I have one Roo and 7 ladies.
  6. DeneiseJunior

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Today 2/7. I am certain one is a rooster. Not so much about everyone else.
  7. DeneiseJunior

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    The best I can tell, I only have one hen laying...the rest are either roosters or slow starters. I am getting one a day, and I have 8 RIRs in the coop/pen.
  8. DeneiseJunior

    New to BYC and new to raising chickens

    I found the first egg today! It must have been there a couple of days, because some curious chicken had pecked a hole in it, not enough to get to the good stuff, but clear enough that a beak had done the damage. I had been waiting patiently. Now I know I need to check them daily, I had been...
  9. DeneiseJunior

    New to BYC and new to raising chickens

    Thanks for the replies. Even before I bought my pullets, I was researching here on BYC. Lots of information and very friendly coop keepers!
  10. DeneiseJunior

    New to BYC and new to raising chickens

    We have built a coop/run and purchased 8 RIR pullets, as we want to raise our own eggs. I saw an article on socializing chicks, I have to assume that with pullets that ship has sailed. Any tips on not being pecked to death as we go in to feed them and gather eggs?
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