Recent content by DeniseP29

  1. D

    Silkie crossed Rhoad Island Chicks hatching eggs in November

    Has anyone ever had a healthy rooster that won't crow? I have a Rhode Island red that is an adult and so healthy but won't crow. Don't get me wrong I think it's great. He is very big and active. My chickens are free-roaming chickens.
  2. D

    Silkie crossed Rhoad Island Chicks hatching eggs in November

    Does anyone else have hatching Silkie chicken eggs in November? I also have crossed breed Rhod Island Red/Silkie I have two Hatched on October 9th, and one hatched on the 10th. the one hatched on the 10th is 3times smaller than the ones hatched on the 9th
  3. D

    New breed ‘No crow roosters’

    I have Red Rhod island Adult Rooster that is healthy but won't crow for nothing he is silent
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