Recent content by dianefbarfield

  1. D

    Late molt

    One of my brahmas waited to shed and now she is about half naked. Temps in N.C. are dropping fast. This week we will have lows of 23 and 18. What do I do?
  2. D

    Why do they seem to be starving?

    Goodness no! Fat, beautiful, lay every day!
  3. D

    Why do they seem to be starving?

    My 11 layers have unlimited pellets. Every day they get a handful of meal worms, grit, oyster shell, Crack corn, and any leftovers from our day (we cook fresh food every day, I grind up the cuttings and peels from veggies as well as egg shells, the cores of cabbage, etc.). They have a huge run...
  4. D

    Brahma with red head.

    They get layer pellets and high protein pellets, oyster shells, grit, meal worms, suet and veggies.
  5. D

    Brahma with red head.

    I agree that she is being pecked so what do I do? I am putting antibiotics cream on her but do I remove her from the coop? I was told that once they pick on a chicken they will continue. Poor sweet girl. She is so docile.
  6. D

    Brahma with red head.

    Yes, both sides. But it just started and none of the others have it. Her feathers were solid there a couple days ago.
  7. D

    Brahma with red head.

    They have a 15 by 30 foot run, a large coop, a Nesting house, playground with a swing and lattice to climb.
  8. D

    Brahma with red head.

    Not really. I mean they all peck each other but I did see another chicken get a little aggressive with her.
  9. D

    Brahma with red head.

    I posted some pics. Thank you.
  10. D

    Brahma with red head.

    She is one year old. I have 11 chickens, no rooster.
  11. D

    Brahma with red head.

    I have a beautiful Brahma that now has big red areas on each side of her head. The feathers are gone. What is happening? She seems healthy. What do I do? I'll try to get a pic today. This just happened.
  12. D

    Winter storm Elliot

    Winter storm Elliot is coming to N.C. FRIDAY. The high is 14, low 3. What do I do? My coop is as warm as I can make it. I keep a heat bulb on all day when the chickens are out in the run, not at night when they are in. But 14 and 3 really scares me. What are you all doing?
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    I just read up on this breed. The info says they are quiet, docile, love hugs, and are good layers. Mine are very noisy, like to bite, and don't like to be touched. I raised them from babies and my other chickens are affectionate. These are beautiful but they sure don't act like the descriptions...
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    They are larger than my leghorns and buckeyes. Very bossy
  15. D


    I have four of these. I was told they are bantoms. They are huge, have feathered feet, are very bossy and not gentle when they peck. They pinch hard with their beaks and are extremely noisy. Beautiful though. About 7 months old, not laying. If you are familiar, give me your thoughts.
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