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  • What a cute Kitty! I love her color! That’s one of my favorites colors! :love

    But, may I ask, what is up with her ears? :😅
    • Love
    Reactions: NC_Quail
    Haha, I turned them over…she sat like that for however long and then shook her head and they popped back up. Just a random bored adult ’trick’. She is a no-nonsense kitty but she held still long enough for me to get a picture.

    The coolest thing about her is that she fetches like a dog. She loves to wake me up in the morning by howling, pawing at me to throw her hairband from bed. Good times. 😬
    How funny! My Boy Milo is almost the same way (more nonsense than not). He’s a typical one year old male cat, (fixed) a firecracker. He is always bouncing from one couch to the other at top speeds, and will play fetch, but not bring it back. :lau
    Our bobbed tail kitty, Milo!
    Aw so pretty!! Cats and their quirkiness is the best!!
    I LOVE the cat in your pfp! Does it have a name?

    Edit to add: okay, it obviously has a name🤣. So I really mean, what's its name?
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