Recent content by ducks112233

  1. ducks112233

    Is duck nest OK...??

    Do ducks know if there eggs are fertilized.
  2. ducks112233

    The Duck Thread

    My duck has had her first two eggs today. The first one she had is hard and brown. A few hours later she had another one but this one is soft and white colored. I'm not sure if they are fertilized but she has been with male ducks not to long ago. Is there a way to see if there are any babies in...
  3. ducks112233

    Duck Eggs

    My duck has had her first two eggs today. The first one she had is hard and brown. A few hours later she had another one but this one is soft and white colored. I'm not sure if they are fertilized but she has been with male ducks not to long ago. Is there a way to see if there are any babies in...
  4. ducks112233

    The Duck Thread

    She is around 8 months and she has never layed before.
  5. ducks112233


    Why is my female duck keep her butt up high and won't let me touch her tail. Shes barely making a nosie. What wrong with her?
  6. ducks112233

    The Duck Thread

    Can someone please help me something is wrong with my duck. It's getting cold out side. My female duck hasn't made a noise today and she keeps pooping liquid. She is putting her butt up high even in the water. She runs when I touch her tail now. What's wrong with her?
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