Recent content by Duluth Chickens

  1. Duluth Chickens

    "Rainbow egg layer" (Dixie or Freedom Ranger)?? Does anyone know about these breeds?

    Oh, and she's a very cold hardy bird. We live in Northern Minnesota near the Lake Superior shore and we don't heat or light our coop. We've never lost a bird and still have our first flock intact (Our other birds are australorps, also great cold hardy birds). They've all done just fine...
  2. Duluth Chickens

    "Rainbow egg layer" (Dixie or Freedom Ranger)?? Does anyone know about these breeds?

    Since the thread is almost a year old, I assume you know by now that they can grow to be fairly heavy birds! For our first flock, when we didn't know what the heck we were doing, we wanted an easter egger and were shown to what the sales girl said were the easter eggers. What we actually ended...
  3. Duluth Chickens

    13 week old EE: pullet or roo?

    Yes we did get her from a feed store. So far only 1 out of 6 have turned out to be what they were sold as . Thanks for the info!
  4. Duluth Chickens

    13 week old EE: pullet or roo?

    Interesting, I've never heard of a Dixie Rainbow or Pioneer. But then again I'm new to this! What are those?
  5. Duluth Chickens

    13 week old EE: pullet or roo?

    Guess that settles that! A little disappointing, I was hoping for blue eggs... Oh well! Any idea what breeds might've gone into the mix? Thanks!
  6. Duluth Chickens

    13 week old EE: pullet or roo?

    Hey everyone! Do any of you have any idea if this EE is a pullet or a roo? I have been certain that "she" was a pullet, but her comb and wattles have gotten markedly bigger and redder in the last two weeks. She is definitely the queen bee around the run and makes sure the other girls get into...
  7. Duluth Chickens

    BA or Jersey Giant?

    here is the underside of the feet:
  8. Duluth Chickens

    BA or Jersey Giant?

    I bought 2 BA's from a local feed store as part of my first flock and I'm noticing differences between the two. They are both 7 weeks old and their feathers are both all black. However, one of them is pinkish/greyish on the underside of her feet and a pink comb while the other has a yellow...
  9. Duluth Chickens

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I'm pretty sure my 4 week old EE is a girl, but just for fun, it'd be interesting to a chicken newbie like myself to see what others think. A little background on her... She's the same age as my other 5 girls but MUCH bigger (although the pics below don't do justice to how much bigger she is)...
  10. Duluth Chickens

    I was told these were barred rocks, but i'm not so sure....

    Thanks for the fast replies! I was afraid they weren't barred rocks, but oh well, it'll be interesting to see how they turn out!
  11. Duluth Chickens

    I was told these were barred rocks, but i'm not so sure....

    Hi everyone! I'm brand new to the site and to chickens in general. I bought 6 chicks from a local feed store four weeks ago: 2 australorps, 3 barred rocks and 1 easter egger. They're all doing well so far, very active and growing like weeds! Anyway, I'm not sure if the barred rocks I was...
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