Recent content by eggfinder

  1. eggfinder

    My chicken has constipation, what do I do?

    I had a hen who became progressively sick. 'Passed white liquid poop. I isolated her and thought she would die. She too was puffed up, head in and wouldn't eat or drink and hardly moved. After about two weeks, she started to take a little yoghurt and gradually livened up to the point that I put...
  2. eggfinder

    Crumbles for free ranch hens

    Since my chickens are 'free range', can i reduce the amount of commercial feed?
  3. eggfinder

    s thebest treatment

    Do chickens moult in spring? or could this baldness be a sign of mites?
  4. eggfinder

    How do I wash/clean/disinfect the eggs before I put them in the fridge

    But mine wander round the yard all day dropping their eggs in all sorts of places-including the mud on rainy day!
  5. eggfinder


    Hi I'm new to this forum and have been reading about solutions to the frozen water problems. Is it possible for chickens to get water from snow? I only recentl noticed that the nipples on my waterer are frozen solid so even if the water is OK, the hens aren't getting it. But they seem OK and I...
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