Recent content by eggsmeralda

  1. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    I'm glad to have the rooster alarm system back up and running! To those who think roosters are just good for meat or fighting, I just want to sing in praise of them. All the roosters I have ever known to make it to that point have been good parents. Even the ones who were jerks to people were...
  2. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    Thanks, Sustained. I meant to update a while ago. Both are still alive, fine and doing well. The young guy had a much harder time and slower recovery. They both went through a phase of "laryngitis" where they seemed to lose their speaking voices. I felt extremely guilty and upset about this, but...
  3. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    Yikes. Thanks for the tip about the "good" homes. Caponizing is no guarantee they won't crow when they grow up and these guys are already grown up. When I looked into caponizing 3 years ago, they wanted $1200 for it and the only vet I could find was 100 miles away. My local vet decrowed them...
  4. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    I hear you. It's not that I want to break the law. Actually, I am still following the spirit of the law which is to prevent cockfighting rings, and to keep the noise down. Nobody is betting on my roosters and I can tell you now that Big Daddy is still in charge. He's a good father and helped...
  5. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    Thank you for your support. They are doing better! I want to say this was not an easy decision to make.
  6. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    Thanks. I'm on Day 6 now. Big Daddy the 3 year old rooster is doing well. He was out all day today and very quiet. He's a bit deflated but he's getting around. I've had to keep Sonny Boy the 1 year old cockerel locked up because he gets too excited around the girls. He is still doing some...
  7. eggsmeralda

    Rooster Decrowing

    Uh oh...I know I'll be in for some judgment for this but seeing there was a need to share my experiences with rooster decrowing, I decided to log my experiences and share with others. Day 1: Notice in the mail from the cops, "You have 24 hours to deroosterize your home or face $1000 fine a day...
  8. eggsmeralda

    Can you actually "de-crow" a rooster?

    First thing about roosters is that they all have different personalities. Some are extremely aggressive towards people and other birds, while others are sweet and cuddly. 1 big plus about roosters is they keep you up to date about the status of the hens; our guys have reminded me many times that...
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