Recent content by Elizabeth1987

  1. Elizabeth1987

    Why did my chicken lay two soft jelly-like eggs??

    She is about a year and a half, but I bought her full-grown a couple months ago with two others. Two of the three have started laying a few weeks after the move, but one hasn't. I am thinking it might have come from the one that hasn't been laying. Would that make more sense if it is a "first" egg?
  2. Elizabeth1987

    Why did my chicken lay two soft jelly-like eggs??

    Hello, My chicken laid two soft jelly-like eggs. One is the color of a normal egg by her breed (french marans), a dark brown egg, and the other is a very light brown/beige. Is something wrong with her or is this just a fluke? I have not owned chickens a year yet so this is the first time any of...
  3. Elizabeth1987

    Pros and Cons of having roosters?

    Hi, I just started raising chicks a week ago. I ordered 6 hens from MPC, but 3 died so now I am looking to buy more. The lady I found in my town that will sell to me doesn't sex them... and I've been pretty stubborn about only wanting hens. But I'm thinking about just going with it and seeing...
  4. Elizabeth1987

    Will my chicks always run away from me?

    Hi, I am brand new to chickens and have had my 3 chicks a week now. Every time I check on them or want to hold one they run from me like crazy. Is that normal? How do I get them to like me as they get older? Are they too young to start giving them treats?
  5. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    Thank you. What temperature should they be? I have a heat lamp and I'm trying to keep them around 95 F. Is that right?
  6. Elizabeth1987


    Welcome to BYC! I just joined yesterday and everybody has been really friendly and helpful!
  7. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    I live in Kansas. It has been in the 80s here mostly, but my little girl died this morning. :( The other 3 seem to be doing well!
  8. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    My one little sick girl died this morning. So sad!
  9. Elizabeth1987

    Sick Chick! Help!

    Both of the ones that were dead were Welsumers, and my little sick girl died this morning -- she was a Barred Plymouth Rock. :( Where did you get your nipple waterer? I don't have one, but it sounds like I need to get one.
  10. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    I got Barred Plymouth Rocks and Easter Eggers. My Welsumers are the ones that died.
  11. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    She is not as active as the others and seems to just sleep all the time. I tried giving her sugar water and egg yolk but that hasn't seemed to make a difference.
  12. Elizabeth1987

    Sick Chick! Help!

    Thank you! I tried the spoon and that seemed to work. I will let you know how she does. Thanks again!
  13. Elizabeth1987

    Sick Chick! Help!

    Hi, I am brand new to chickens. I just got my chicks in the mail today. I ordered 6 and 2 had died already. :( So now I have four, but one (named Gilly) is not doing so well. She is just sleeping and not as active as the other chicks. I read to give it sugar water and egg but how do I feed it...
  14. Elizabeth1987

    New to chicks

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am brand new to chickens. I just got my baby chicks today. I ordered 6 and 2 died during the delivery. :( (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 4 but I am worried about one. (3) What breeds do you have? Barred...
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