Recent content by fishsticks84

  1. fishsticks84

    Can someone help Identify our hen?

    We have a hen that's approximately 10 weeks old. My husband bought 4 chicks from TS because our neighbors cat ate one of our daughter's chicks 😔 so he was trying to cheer her up. They were labeled as EE's however, I don't think its an EE. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what our "Gem"...
  2. fishsticks84

    1st egg & chicken's behavior is unusual????

    Thank you for the feedback! She didn't have much of an appetite t yesterday and this morning...I let them out in the morning to free range and usually she walks around looking for whatever it is she can get her beak on lol...but she doesn't seem interested? She will go sit under a tree and stay...
  3. fishsticks84

    1st egg & chicken's behavior is unusual????

    Thank you....I'm just worried :-)
  4. fishsticks84

    1st egg & chicken's behavior is unusual????

    I did check and everything and it all appears to feel and look normal.... However yesterday her vent area was pulsating quite a bit....but its not today?
  5. fishsticks84

    1st egg & chicken's behavior is unusual????

    Hey y'all! Our sweet Louise laid her first egg yesterday and we couldn't be more excited! She is a 23 week old Buff Orpington. She doesn't want to integrate with the flock and seems almost like she is exhausted? She wants to lay down a lot and isolate herself. I checked her vent and it...
  6. fishsticks84

    Hey Y'all!!!

    This little one was labeled as Ameraucana but come to find out they are RIR :( we still love on them though This is one of our Barred Rocks taking a nap after an afternoon of foraging in the yard :) I actually had no clue what she was until a member here told me...they said she is a silver...
  7. fishsticks84

    Hey Y'all!!!

    My kids are 8 & 5 and in my profile pic is our 5 year old dog Domino. He's surprisingly doing extremely well with our flock. We had to gradually introduce him to the girls but over a couple of weeks he's really shown improvement. The chicks will jump on his back when he's laying out there with...
  8. fishsticks84

    Hey Y'all!!!

    Thank y'all! We love our little chicks!! I honestly think my hubby enjoys them more lol he could sit out there all afternoon and just watch them play. He's got them so spoiled already by predator proofing their coop and my two kids enjoy coming home to them and sitting the yard petting them. I...
  9. fishsticks84

    Can y'all help me identify my little ladies?

    I was finally able to snap a few more pics of our chicks outside... Any guesses? This one doesn't like pictures :/ This little baby has black legs except for the middle toe, it's yellow and it's all black..
  10. fishsticks84

    Can y'all help me identify my little ladies?

    Here is the bantam that I have no clue what it is..
  11. fishsticks84

    Can y'all help me identify my little ladies?

    I think you're right....I was really hoping they labeled them correctly :-( oh well they are still adorable and very loveable! Thank you!
  12. fishsticks84

    Can y'all help me identify my little ladies?

    I bought our babies at Tractor Supply and they were labeled as "Amerucanas" however I'm not really sure that's what they are. This is my first time raising chicks. Can anyone help me identify them? Thanks for the help :-) This little lady I'm thinking may be a BR??
  13. fishsticks84

    Hey Y'all!!!

    New here to the site and finally own my first little flock. I've grown up around chicks because my mom raises them and I'm excited to share the experience with my two kids. We currently have 1-silkie 2-buff Orpington 3-BR 3-amerucanas 1- of something else not sure of what breed it is, I do know...
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