Recent content by flossyfelix

  1. flossyfelix

    North Carolina

    Yes, it’s in cinderblocks!
  2. flossyfelix

    Hurricane Help?!

    Yes! Predator free!
  3. flossyfelix

    Hurricane Help?!

    Here is the barn & the setup. Minus the chicken wire I’m going to put up to keep them confined to that corner.
  4. flossyfelix

    North Carolina

    This is the barn & setup. Minus the chicken wire I’m going to put up to keep them confined to that corner.
  5. flossyfelix

    North Carolina

    Hey y’all- what’s everybody doing with their birds during this awful storm we’re getting hit with? I’m worried. We aren’t staying at home bc we stay in a mobile home- so we’re going to my grandmothers across the field. We have a tobacco barn that has withstood the hands of time- and many...
  6. flossyfelix

    Hurricane Help?!

    Thanks y’all. So the kennel thing is a no go. I don’t want them to be that confined. I don’t have a basement- we’re actually going to stay across the field at my grandmas... but here is the plan for my lovebirds—- I have them a confined space in the tobacco barn. They have their house & lots...
  7. flossyfelix

    Hurricane Help?!

    HELP!! Hey y’all! I’m in a bit of a tizzy- I’m frantically trying to get my home & Family prepared for hurricane Florence; whom is currently heading straight for us. If you haven’t heard- Thursday a Cat 4, maybe a Cat 5 hurricane is going to hit SC, NC, & VIR. I’m in Lumberton, NC right in the...
  8. flossyfelix

    If it walks like a duck & it quacks like a duck—- it’s probably a duck!

    If it walks like a duck & it quacks like a duck—- it’s probably a duck!
  9. flossyfelix

    Houston We Have Eye Problem!

    Yes! Eye is almost completely healed! Feathers are even peaking thru- starting to come back! She is staying in the kennel- FELIX of course lays right next to the door, but its working out fine! Sassyfras & Flossy are on the other side of the pin, separated by chickenwire, until we get the other...
  10. flossyfelix

    Houston We Have Eye Problem!

    Ok, thanks! Yes, I think you are right! When they are free ranging-everyone is fine, but she can also get Away if she wants too- there’s nowhere to go in the pin! I’m gonna keep the girls separate for bathtime & night time! That’s the best bet! Her eye is looking better this evening! Thank...
  11. flossyfelix

    Houston We Have Eye Problem!

    Yes, they have been separate- she says in a big dog kennel inside of the big pen- so she’s by herself, but not alone, so she doesn’t have separation anxiety. I made the mistake of thinking she would be ok. Thank you so much for replying! I’ve been so worried. Is it ok if I spray Vetericyn in her...
  12. flossyfelix

    Houston We Have Eye Problem!

    UPDATE*** Her eye is now red & seems to have a white flim over it— I couldn’t get her to take a picture. @Miss Lydia can you please help me? I'm very worried!
  13. flossyfelix

    Houston We Have Eye Problem!

    hey y’all! I’m back with some duck drama! Y’all know recently I added a new female for my drakes & was having a problem with the drakes fighting over who’s girl was who basically... I got that problem solved & now here we are with this! The past two nights I have just recently put Squirt(the...
  14. flossyfelix

    Drake Fight! (Long post!)

    Yes! Thank Goodness neither of my boys are vicious with the girls or each other. I actually have another pin! I’ll have to get it up! CraZy drakes!! Driving me crazy!:barnie
  15. flossyfelix

    Drake Fight! (Long post!)

    So So should I just wait it out? Keep an eye on them? Let them work it out? Or keep them separated??
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