Recent content by grantfamilychicks9316

  1. G

    25 week old EE suddenly not laying!!??

    We have a 25ish week old Easter Egger who has been laying since about 19 weeks, she’s been laying beautiful blue eggs everyday or every other day with no problems! Suddenly this last week she has not laid a single egg?! Like 7 days no egg! No signs of illness, she’s her normal sweet spunky self...
  2. G

    What breed is my hen!!?? Ameracauna?!?

    Oh how exciting!!! Those of you that do have Easter eggers what colors of eggs do your girls give you ?!
  3. G

    What breed is my hen!!?? Ameracauna?!?

    Aww thanks!! We think so too! Just hoping she lays those beautiful blue eggs !!
  4. G

    What breed is my hen!!?? Ameracauna?!?

    So we are first time chicken raisers and LOVING it! We have 4 hens and we are stumped as to what breed out sweet girl L.J. is .....we were told she was an ameracauna, however as she’s aging I’m not convinced ! We wanted her because of the fact she would lay blue eggs! Any thoughts on her breed...
  5. G

    Barred rock roo or pullet?

    This is great information !! We do have 3 children a 10 year old 2 and half year old and 1 year old so that was my fear with having a rooster was their aggression and fight for dominance. The girls aren’t bothered one bit by the little hands but the one who we suspect is a cockerel is a bit more...
  6. G

    Barred rock roo or pullet?

    This is what I thought haha soooo ...any tips of roosters ? We have grown attached to him and he’s sweet so far but ....I’m not sure we want to have a male in the mix either !
  7. G

    Barred rock roo or pullet?

    First time chicken raisers here ! We purchased our 5 “girls” 4 weeks ago, they are about 5 weeks old, I am starting to think Bo Peep is actually Beau haha any thoughts ? The 2 barred rocks are shown below with our other 3 (2 buff orps, 1 Ameracana) I know there can be mistakes even if they are...
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