Recent content by gretchen4

  1. gretchen4

    HELP!! Chicken Attacked Under-belly ripped open, what can I do?

    you have to clean out her ear....i just used a warm rag to loosen scab,then a q tip with peroxide on it to clean out her ear and yes my fingernail then put neosporin on it,,,did this for 5 days then she got better
  2. gretchen4

    HELP!! Chicken Attacked Under-belly ripped open, what can I do?

    2weeks ago i noticed one of my chickens acting funny when i picked her up i noticed her leg to her breast and entire breast were torn wide open.......she wasn't giving up nor was i,i brought her inside gave her a soak in dawn dish liquid,peroxide and viegar.we then removed all the maggots and i...
  3. gretchen4

    My first broody clutch is hatching! Help

    yes she and her babies need to be together in a cage,away from other chickens .feed should be chick starter wich is also healthy for the mom.she will do the rest,she will teach them to eat and drink all you need to do is keep cage and water clean.and food constant.
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