HELP!! Chicken Attacked Under-belly ripped open, what can I do?

Hope very much that she will rally now. Thank you for getting her medical assist. Lots of TLC, rest, sunny spots available to her, a little buddy nearby (does she have a best buddy hen or roo that can hang out with her?), irresistable treats*, anything you can think of to spark the desire for life. She may need to be tube fed some more to get things rolling with her system.

* e.g. mealworms, little cut up pieces of blueberries and/or grapes and/or raspberries and/or tomatoes, watermelon, sunflower seeds........
So just an update:
The chicken is still alive (yay) but she is very thin and sleeps a lot. She doesn't really drink and I havent seen her eat anything. This morning she tried to eat but she misses the food when she pecks at it. She did get injured on her ear and its blocked and scabbed over... I don't know if there is something wrong internally with her ear that is causing her to act this way. I haven't given her the penicillin yet because I thought she was feeling better but now I think I might have to.
The wound on her belly is looking much better and it hasnt gotten infected. I clean her box about twice a day to make sure shes not resting in any poop and I try to keep the wound as clean as possible. Now I'm not as worried about her belly but I'm so worried that she hasnt been eating and acts all confused... how can I make her eat? What can I do? I don't want her to starve to death. How long can a chicken live on just water?
I think 3-7 days, if i heard correctly. With the food issue, try making a mash with the food and warm water, then take like a large dinner plate or something and spread the mash over it, giving her a larger target to eat at. If there was a problem with her inner ear, she would likely have trouble balancing. Also, she may be too tired to eat. Try putting a little electrolyte in her water for energy, like they give horses.
Yes very important to just try lots of different foods. Mine love strawberries,tomatoes,kale,cottage cheese and oatmeal. You will find something she can't resist!! Also get that water down her!! Get one of the old syringes and clean it real good and get water down her. Also slowly drip it on her beak and they naturally take it in. Just do it slowly. Hope everything is going ok!!
I hope your girl is doing better, I was browsing forums this morning looking for info on this, as I was woke up @ 4am to awful squawking, when I ran outside Frankie dropped/flew out of a tree and under the porch. Her wound looks almost exactly like your girls does. So far I have cleaned her up, and she is eating/drinking and clucking to me. Thanks so much everyone for the info posted I was so worried I would have to put her down but I think if I can keep her from getting infected then she will come thru.
2weeks ago i noticed one of my chickens acting funny when i picked her up i noticed her leg to her breast and entire breast were torn wide open.......she wasn't giving up nor was i,i brought her inside gave her a soak in dawn dish liquid,peroxide and viegar.we then removed all the maggots and i put neosporin on her.the second day i sprayed her with peroxide and put neosporin on her then screw worm spray.i did this for a week each night.then did warm water and soap wipe with neosporin and blue-kote.i was told not to cover it.i now do a soap and water wipe with neosporin and have realized she is amazing.all the black skin is shedding off and new skin is looking good.i feed her normal feed mixed into yogurt,no antibiotics and bread 3 times a day.......also she has bumblefoot and just did the task of removing the pus ball today......i keep her in her own cage( so she is not pecked to death) in the basement and let her roam all day there.....with these wounds you have to keep them inside so they don't dirt bathe,get pecked and so flies can't get to them..........hope this helps
you have to clean out her ear....i just used a warm rag to loosen scab,then a q tip with peroxide on it to clean out her ear and yes my fingernail then put neosporin on it,,,did this for 5 days then she got better
Just wanted everyone to know that my chicken is FULLY RECOVERED!!! YAAAYYY!! She has completely healed over (she has a bald spot) and she has regained all of her weight. When I put her back into the flock she didn't have any problems with any of the other birds. I am SO thankful for everyones contribution and advice! I know that she would not be alive today without all of your help, thank you so much!

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