Recent content by HangingLoos

  1. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    soup sandwich (messed up like a....)
  2. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Another Other
  3. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Bench Grinder
  4. HangingLoos


    We finally got the coop done (or as done as it is going to get for today) and got ourselves 6 new peeps! Wooohooo We are Poultry Parents! We got: 2 Barred Rock 2 Buff Orpingtons 2 Easter Eggers All are 9-10 weeks old And YES the walls of the coop are Pink! We tell...
  5. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Two Face
  6. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    figgy pudding <yuck>
  7. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Eat Beef
  8. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Life lesson
  9. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Loving Words
  10. HangingLoos


    I am from the other side of the bay in Hillsborough (almost Polk)
  11. HangingLoos

    Skirting my Run - question?

    I guess I am just paranoid... But the entire outside of my 6 X 12 run is covered in hardware cloth.... I really don't want my girls to have any visitors that I don't invite in. Of course, we don't have the girls yet... But we are really close to completing our way over engineered Coop and run.
  12. HangingLoos

    Skirting my Run - question?

    We skirted ours with about 18" of 1/2 X 1/2 hardware cloth buried down about 3-4 inches and wrapped up to the 2x6 framing
  13. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Think fast
  14. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    math problem
  15. HangingLoos

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    problem child
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