Recent content by HappyEggs

  1. HappyEggs

    Need Help with Baby chick!

    Baby chick started struggling with walking obviously on Day two. Thought it was spraddle and created a band in between legs. I have done this before with success. Now it is day 4 and it isn't getting any better. I have tried to make adjustments and try different distances with the attachment...
  2. HappyEggs

    Update of my easter eggers now 4 months old.

    Thanks... I was afraid of the same thing.
  3. HappyEggs

    Update of my easter eggers now 4 months old.

    I'm afraid that all three of my easter eggers maybe roosters. Can you guys please give me some thoughts??!! #1 Frosty #2 brown grey and black #3
  4. HappyEggs

    Help me decide?

    Yes.. I'm concerned that the first two may be males. I just witnessed the two being breasty at each other??!!
  5. HappyEggs

    Help me decide?

    Araucana or Easter Egger? Pullets or Roos? They are 4 1/2 weeks old.. so I know its hard to tell the sex now. However, knowing exactly what they are would be grateful! They are 4 1/2 weeks old in these pics. All had decent size tails after a few days old. My boys like to know what they are...
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