
My username is HazelTheSurvivor because my oldest chicken named Hazel who is only around two months old right now had 4 other chicken friends that she lived with for the first month of her life but all of them died except her, she got really lonely and we bought baby chicks as friends for her and they get along pretty well. But there are always problems with them, so I created this account. Btw, I'm not fully sure how those 4 died, we mightve given them too much sodium. A theory that I have is that, since Hazel was such a small chicken and smaller than the rest she got pushed around and didn't get to eat the rice that had soy sauce, therefore she lived.
Nov 11, 2004 (Age: 19)
Why do you want to join our community?
I have 5 chickens and they get new problems almost everyday,
High School



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