Recent content by hensplease

  1. hensplease

    Tom turkey?

    My tom is realy loud and gobbles all day will he slow down after spring or breeding season?
  2. hensplease

    WTB modern game eggs or birds

    anywhere i would prefer but will take eggs also
  3. hensplease

    I want some modern game

    if anyone is a breeder or knows one plaese help me find a breeder
  4. hensplease

    has anyone bred a standered white cochin to a bantom white cochin

    i got baby out of it should i breed MED cochins now?
  5. hensplease

    Pictures around the ranch

    do you ever sell yoklahoma and sumumtra eggs?
  6. hensplease

    Pictures around the ranch

    how many chickens do you have?
  7. hensplease

    Chickens leg looks paralized

    he cant move and its stuck behind him what should we do? he just laying down on his side (he seperated from the rest of the flock) what should we do
  8. hensplease

    pheonex roos

    do they seem to be loud or are they usaly quiet birds?
  9. hensplease

    Is a pond a must have?

    you should get two so they can swim and do duck stuff together
  10. hensplease

    feed store ducks

    doesnt matter i want fawn
  11. hensplease

    feed store ducks

    our feed store orders them cause they are realy populer here
  12. hensplease

    feed store ducks

    hopefully they have the runner i want i sure hope soo
  13. hensplease

    "Rare Marans Collection" at MPC

    i realy doubt it as they would cost alot more these are probly basic birds with darker eggs that a buff orp but lighter then any maran thats just my guess Quote:
  14. hensplease

    "Rare Marans Collection" at MPC

    but in the long run i think you would be better with non hatchery marans thats if u want them for egg color
  15. hensplease

    "Rare Marans Collection" at MPC

    I Dont Think They Will Have Good Egg Color
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