Recent content by Hillbillyprincess123

  1. H

    Roo or Hen?

    Thank you! Makes me feel a little better I was worried I would have 5 out of 6 roosters! It’s definitely a gamble with straight run
  2. H

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    My orphington rooster has frostbite too. They must be prone to it because my other rooster is fine. It’ll fall off eventually no big deal. In regards to the mites, you need to treat them with permethrin to clear those up. Electrolytes and high protein diet may help with the recovery process...
  3. H

    Roo or Hen?

    Have you ever seen a comb that big on a chick that young not be a roo though? So odd. No she says she doesn’t own any barred rock. Said they were a cross between a Delaware hen and unknown dad.
  4. H

    Roo or Hen?

    I know I have to wait and be patient but I just can’t so I want some other opinions. It’s like a guessing game! It’s super fun but it’s more fun when you have other people to put in their opinions versus your husband that tells you you’re nuts. The brown chick is mixed but has a pretty good comb...
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