Recent content by hkirchn

  1. hkirchn

    Looking for Coturnix Quail Cages

    I used wood...……..I had some old used pine lumber that I ripped into 1 X 2 and used that with 1/2 inch hardware cloth. I will get a picture and send it.
  2. hkirchn

    Looking for Coturnix Quail Cages

    I'm just starting with quail myself. I recently built cages, as I couldn't find anything available that I wanted. There are some good videos on Youtube about building quail cages. Good Luck!
  3. hkirchn

    Baby chick hatched early

    It was likely the freshest egg, maybe just a few hours prior. I have had the same experience more than once.
  4. hkirchn

    Best Incubator

    Wow, thanks for the information!
  5. hkirchn

    Best Incubator

    I have had chickens for many years and had an incubator some time ago. I recently acquired a few jumbo Coturnix Quail and will need to purchase an incubator. Does anyone have suggestions or can you tell me what works best? I'm not needing a large incubator I'm keeping things small!
  6. hkirchn

    Help sexing a few more birds

    I think they are both pullets
  7. hkirchn

    New to hatching eggs

    Welcome to BYC! You might find information on the net and surely someone here can help. There is much good information on this site.
  8. hkirchn

    I was supposed to be getting Barred Plymouth Rocks. I got the girls, but what is this beauty?

    Maybe a black sex link and Barred Plymouth Rock Cross...…..just a thought.
  9. hkirchn

    Another chick integration question...

    Above is some very sound advice. I couldn't agree more!
  10. hkirchn

    Boy or Girl Buff Brahma?

    I agree; it's a cockerel
  11. hkirchn


    My opinion is they are just fine; I'm guessing they are eating a lot more than just beans.
  12. hkirchn

    Hello fellow Chicken lovers.

    Welcome! This site is loaded with great information.
  13. hkirchn

    Moving cockerel and rooster to separate pen?

    Yes the rooster will be aggressive with your cockerel. I know we all have our own reasons but you don't really need two roosters with 9 hens, maybe consider re-homing one of them.
  14. hkirchn

    New hens aren’t laying

    Likely some stress with the move and acclimating to the new surroundings.
  15. hkirchn

    How does this happen?

    It's unlikely a four year old Leghorn laid three eggs in one afternoon; some good comments above.
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