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  • Wow, I apparently received a new "trophy" to celebrate now being a member here for 9 years on April 24th, amazing. I can't believe it has been so long!
    Wow, a lot happening this year. We lost our sweet Tater in July, but a few months later Wally celebrated 2 years here with us since rescue. I am glad the other hens accepted her in after she lost her friend. He was so kind to her, and protective of her. He loved her very much, and they helped eachother heal. Thank you my po'Tates for being such a good boy.
    With a heavy heart, I update as a reminder to myself that our oldest pup passed away yesterday morning at nearly 13 years old. Will miss you old man.
    So sorry for your loss. :hugs
    Thank you for the condolences. As with all things, life finds a way, and when one sweetie leaves us we have more find us in need. Shortly before this, we had our rescue feral kitty show up. The day he passed, it was the first time she ever got in my lap and since that day she's been a big comfort. ❤️
    Very thankful for the rain as of late. Hoping the garden does well though high wind took some corn. Hoping those in other parts find cooler temps and some rain!
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