Recent content by ice2fire911

  1. ice2fire911

    Chickens missing feathers for months

    I have a couple of chickens out of 19 that are missing feathers on there back by their tail and on their underside. They aren’t growing back and it’s been all summer. I’m also only getting 11 layers out of 19...I’m feeding Purina layer for chickens. We also have no roosters only 19 hens
  2. ice2fire911

    Chick intro

    Hi everyone!! I have 8 red sex links and 2 Easter eggers and 8 9 week old RIR and barred rocks. The red sex links are a year old and boy do they want NOTHING ago do with my littles!!! The Easter eggers could care less. I’ve been trying to introduce them slowly to the group but I think my older...
  3. ice2fire911

    Baby chicks

    Hi everyone! I live in upstate NY it’s about 40 during the day and anywhere from 20-30 at night. I have 8 chicks 3 weeks old in a brooder in the house. (Not crazy about them in house they create dust!) When do you think I can move them out to there coop which is outside?!?! I would put the...
  4. ice2fire911

    Tell my babies apart!

    Hi! I have 8 female chicks. 2 barred rock and 6 RIR. I’m only keeping on RIR, the one I rescued from TSC. The other 5 I’m raising for a friend. I want to know if y’all know how to tag her to tell her from the group. Right I can but afrai I might not be able to ina few weeks! I do. not. Want to...
  5. ice2fire911

    Roosting outside

    :D ThAnk you! Lots of great information here! The girls went back into there coop and haven’t been outside in a many days!! :celebrate:clap:woot:jumpy
  6. ice2fire911

    Roosting outside

  7. ice2fire911

    Roosting outside

    I have 10 adult chickens that we have had for a year. Three of them have started to refuse to roost inside the coop. We got out at 9:30 at night to find the same 3 hens roosting in the outdoor run with is Pretoria safe BUT I want them in coop sleeping with the other hens. What made them all of a...
  8. ice2fire911

    Here’s 7 new babies!! Getting 11 more today!!

    What chicken would I want to get for olive eggs??
  9. ice2fire911

    Here’s 7 new babies!! Getting 11 more today!!

    Yes 2 barred Rocks and 5 are RI reds that we are raising for friends! Love them! :love
  10. ice2fire911

    Here’s 7 new babies!! Getting 11 more today!!

    :ya:wee:celebrateWe have 10 adults birds and adding 11more today!! We LOVE our chickens and so our kids!!
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