Recent content by Jacqueli26

  1. J

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi all 👋🏻 We bought our own house in Nov & are now renovating so utter chaos!! We lost our Edna last week, she was fine one minute, dead on the floor the next so quite the shock 😢 Down to 3 girls now, they are thoroughly enjoying trashing my new garden 🤣
  2. J

    Cockerel Breed?

    It’s weird, he was 1 of 3 hatched from a small bantam egg, how can that be??
  3. J

    Cockerel Breed?

    What breed would you say this cockerel is please?
  4. J

    What breed would you say??

    What breed would you say these two are? TIA x
  5. J

    Roos or Hens?

    oh sorry yes, they are 8 weeks old
  6. J

    Roos or Hens?

    You were so helpful yesterday I’m hoping maybe you can help me out with your thoughts on these today?
  7. J

    Any ideas on breed?

    Thank you, you have made my Saturday 😁
  8. J

    Any ideas on breed?

    Thank you, & I’m so happy you’ve said pullet I have be toing & froing on this one!
  9. J

    Any ideas on breed?

    My MIL gave us a selection of eggs from her flock to incubate, we have 3 bantams & 3 barred rocks but I am unsure what breed this one is?
  10. J

    Brinsea Ecoglow users. Question using in coop.

    This is great to read, I’ve just transitioned my almost 5 week old chicks into their coop & have put their Ecoglow heater out with them. I was beginning to panic I may have put them out too early but reading this has made me feel a little better. I’m in the UK & temps can be as low as 3/4...
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