Recent content by jakeflock

  1. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    No two EE look the same that's one feature to their breed. My girls are 20 weeks and I have four different breeds. Have found one egg every day for last 3 days. Two of the eggs are super small. Don't know who's laying but I know it's not the EE cause eggs are brown
  2. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    Finally not sure what girl but a very very small egg!!!
  3. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    Awesome I can't wait to find my first egg!!
  4. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    My Buffz have been squatting too and no eggs?! I put my Red In the nest box last night and she made the straw into a beautiful round nest. Is this a sign she is close to laying?
  5. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    How old where your hens?
  6. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    My buff that squatted isn't sitting in nest box or any other of my girls all are 5 months old. But a few are squating and most have flaming combs and waddles. But none will sit in nest box is that common? I'm so excited for eggs!!!!!
  7. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    My 5 month old Buff Orpington squatted down when I walked up to her. How soon before she lays? Any ideas?
  8. jakeflock

    What did your chickens do today?

    My hens wont leave the coop got any ideas?
  9. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    What breeds you got?
  10. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    So squatting means they going into heat..sort of?
  11. jakeflock

    Chicks are home! First timer

    Do you got heat lamps?
  12. jakeflock

    First Egg Countdown

    My red was sitting in coop acting like laying but nothing happen. Would be my first egg. She is 16 weeks comb getting red. Do you think?
  13. jakeflock

    Hello fellow chicken folks

    Thank you!!
  14. jakeflock

    Murray McMurray hatchery???????

    The quality they ship is the best!
  15. jakeflock

    Murray McMurray hatchery???????

    Next year I want to add a couple bantams but McMurray has limited pullet selection with bantams. Those usually straight run.
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