Recent content by JeanieCoop

  1. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Georgette's update... It looks like wounds are scabbing up nicely. I just don't know if her skin will grow back over her muscle. No signs of maggots thank God! Update with the attack dog and its owner: Early this morning my family got up early to do some painting outside. As we were prepping my...
  2. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Thank you for asking...She is still eating, drinking. When I talk to her she talks back. She has been really good about me addressing her wounds. I think I will call the vet tomorrow.
  3. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Thank you so much again... Do you think the skin will grow back on its own with this simple level of care?
  4. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    What do you think about placing her with some saw dust in her pen?
  5. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    1. I have my hen in a crate in the house. It is about 2'x3'. I am wondering if I should have saw dust in the crate, or just keep her on the plastic flooring? The wound is about 3 to 4 inch tear in her skin that exposes her muscles. There are 4 deep puncture wounds from the dogs teeth. So I am...
  6. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Oh no worries...I didn't feel criticized. This is what chicken community is all about...I like the carabiner advise. That is an easy fix.
  7. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    The dog is a 100lb Burnese Mountain dog that got out of her yard and into mine. My coop gate was latched, but he scratched at the gate enough to get open. I felt like I did my part, but obviously not enough
  8. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Thank you again. I have Hibiclens - should I wait until the morning or go for it tonight?
  9. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    My friends have said the same thing...First I have to double check my zoning ordinance as I am in an urban county island, before I make a formal complaint. It's the 3rd time this dog has attacked us. At least I got my two page letter sent to her!
  10. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    Thank you so much...I will follow your recommendations. Thank you for letting me know about the peroxide, I just finished reading some other posts and found the same comments. Also, do you think a gentle bathing would be in order?
  11. JeanieCoop

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    My 5 year old hen was attacked by a dog Thursday morning (July 18th). I thought she was okay after the attack as she was walking, eating, and drinking. This afternoon I examined her more closely. The photo shows puncture wounds with skin torn away. Muscle is exposed. She is now inside away from...
  12. JeanieCoop

    Bleeding wing tip due to feather trimming

    Just an update... I took my white cochin to the vet on Tuesday and received a passing grade on my caring and bandaging of the wound. The vet told me he did not see injury to blood feathers, that the bleeding was more from a flesh wound from the scissors. He was very optimistic about her healing...
  13. JeanieCoop

    Bleeding wing tip due to feather trimming

    Dear cafarmgirl; My main concern is infection. If anyone can share with me what I might look for in the next 36 hours. We plan on having our vet look at her wing tip on Tuesday morning. I do believe we have nipped into bone. I did research online and found plucking the blood feather as a...
  14. JeanieCoop

    Bleeding wing tip due to feather trimming

    Okay...we read and read about cutting wing feathers and thought we were being careful. But my husband cut the feathers that were not supposed to be cut, the ones with the blood vessels in them. Our white cochin is bleeding in about 3 different places. I have sterilized with hydrogen peroxide and...
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