Recent content by JeannieB60

  1. J


  2. J

    hen picking on another hen

    I have 11, year old hens. My white Easter Egger is picking on one of my Black Laced Silver Wyandottes. I've put an apron on the victim, but she is still picking on her. Pulling the feathers out of her back. Betty is the EE. Meanie !!!!! There is no blood, but its only a matter of time... HELP!!!!!
  3. J

    Broody hen

    I am having a similar problem with one of my Buff Orpingtons. I have no advice, just wanted to say what a beautiful bird she is!!!!!
  4. J

    Broody hen?

    OH!!!, poor girl
  5. J

    Buff in the nesting box for 15 hours!!!

    Thank you all!!!Can one really break a hen from being broody? I was told by a customer of mine today that one cannot. I work in a grain mill. I love love love my girls!!!And this site!!! <3
  6. J

    Buff in the nesting box for 15 hours!!!

    NO!!! No hatching chicks. We lucked out with our purchases and got ALL pullets!!! This will break her of her broodiness???
  7. J

    Buff in the nesting box for 15 hours!!!

    Our 9 month old Buff Orpington has been in one of the nesting boxes since yesterday afternoon. She appears to be in no distress. There are 11 other girls in the coop with her. We are getting 7-11 eggs per day. Is she just broody?
  8. J

    First egg!

    WE HAVE AN EGG!!!!!Betty, our white and buffy colored EE, gave us a bluish egg!!!!! Almost 20 weeks. I'm so eggcited!!!!!!!
  9. J

    Introducing new chicks

    I also have a question about introducing new chicks. I have 3 Buff Orpingtons (sweetest birds ever!!) and 3 Easter Eggers ( not nearly as friendly, but coming around). The 6 are approximately 10 weeks old.Been in the coop for a while, now free ranging. The other 6 are black laced silver...
  10. J

    First time chickens

    Hi all, thank you for including me!! I live in Northern NY, we may get snow again. I just purchased my first baby chicks ever!!! I am so excited but want to make sure I do right by these babies. 3 Buff Orpington, 3 Ameraucana. Any tips would be appreciated!!!
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