Recent content by JennyPatty84

  1. JennyPatty84

    2 Day Old Dark Brahma Chicks

    They are dark Brahma’s! 🥰🥰
  2. JennyPatty84

    Saddle Sac! How should I lay the egg to increase likelihood of surviving hatch?

    Thank! you and will go read that now! Keep your fingers crossed for the little guy! ♥️
  3. JennyPatty84

    Saddle Sac! How should I lay the egg to increase likelihood of surviving hatch?

    Help!! I shipped Croad Langshan eggs 2700km and they were all scrambled from shipping except for one. This little guy, that I’ve named Bruce Lee (in hopes it’s good karma for him to “ninja” his way out of the shell) is on day 16. He’s pretty feisty when I candle him, but he does have a saddle...
  4. JennyPatty84

    First Hatch With Hen! Need Some Advice

    I just had my first hatch via a broody hen and I am super excited about it! I have hatched many chicks with an incubator, but this is the first time one of my hens has gone broody. I have a couple questions I am hoping you can help with! 1. Right now there is one chick out and we aren’t...
  5. JennyPatty84

    Bloating in Chicks??! HELP!

    Thank you for the state link, but I actually live in Canada. Here’s to hoping the other three survive, the poor little buggers it kills me when they get sick!
  6. JennyPatty84

    Bloating in Chicks??! HELP!

    Just a note, this second chick did end up passing away later this morning. :( Poop looked normal. Maybe a decreased amount - but it's hard to compare with chicks. The crop was bloated as well - completely filled with air. Everything is exactly the same as other chicks I have hatched in the...
  7. JennyPatty84

    Bloating in Chicks??! HELP!

    Hi Everyone! I am in desperate need of advice! I hatched 5 Coppers Marans chicks one week ago and everyone (but one) has been happy, healthy, acting like normal chicks and growing. The one that isn't just won't eat yet, so I have been force feeding her - otherwise she's happy and active...
  8. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    I set 12 and 4 weren’t fertile, so I hatched 5 of 8. To me they seemed to be dry when hatching which gave them some trouble. The last three were stuck to their shells and I had to help remove the shell from being stuck to them. Everyone is thriving but there is one baby that is smaller. She’s...
  9. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    Great news! Today is day 22 and I had 2 hatch yesterday and 3 today! HOPEFULLY there will be one hen in this 5!!
  10. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    So it's not just me! This does make me feel better. I am starting to get a little discouraged though because it's hard to find dark marans eggs close by. I don't want to risk shipping with having the current hard time I am having without shipping. Everyone keep your fingers crossed I get even...
  11. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    I have a hovabator with a fan and digital temperature control. I do turn the eggs manually. I keep the humidity around 45% until day 18 when they go into lock down and I increase to 70%. Temp stays around 38.5 celcious. I have hatched Ameracaunas, Olive Eggers, barn yard mixes and lots of...
  12. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    I just don't know what it is, its so strange. All I want is one Marans hen, who knew it would be so hard to get one! Right now they are on day 20. Two are moving the eggs and one has pipped, but I have a feeling none will hatch. They just don't seem as lively as all the other breeds of chicks...
  13. JennyPatty84

    Why Do All My Copper Marans Abort?

    I need some advice! I have a 95% hatch rate on everything I put into the incubator except Copper Marans. All my Marans will seem to do great up until they are supposed to hatch, and they all die. It’s so sad to see the eggs hopping around and hear them chirping and then eveything goes silent and...
  14. JennyPatty84

    Dark Brahma’s - How long does it take to lay?

    Thanks so much! They really are beautiful and so sweet! I just love them!
  15. JennyPatty84

    Dark Brahma’s - How long does it take to lay?

    Hi Everyone!!! I have 3 beautiful dark brahmas pullets and a roo that hatched the first weekend in April 2017. None of the ladies have started to lay yet and I was wondering if this was normal for them? I do live on the east coast of Canada, so do deal with winter but my barnyard mixed...
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