Recent content by Jlin232

  1. Jlin232

    Chicken Selfie Contest! ends Oct. 27 2014

    Beautiful day for a chick selfie! Barred Rock (Rhoda) & Wyandotte in picture 10/22/14
  2. Jlin232

    Chicken Selfie Contest! ends Oct. 27 2014

    Enjoying the nice weather with my feathered friends ;) Golden Laced Wyandotte (Aria) & Salmon Faverolle (Scooter)
  3. Jlin232

    Buff Brahma Feather sexing

    Awesome! Great idea, thanks so much Basil!
  4. Jlin232

    Buff Brahma Feather sexing

    Thanks for the reply! I snapped a pic this morning, it is not the best but I think you can see. The one closest to the front is suspected roo. I noticed today that his beak even looks bigger, bulkier than Charlies (the girl behind him). Let me know what you think!
  5. Jlin232

    Buff Brahma Feather sexing

    Hey everyone! I am new! (Yay) I got myself a few chicks for my mixed flock. And I am super pumped. Lets get down to my current dilemma. I bought two Buff Brahma chicks (supposed pullets), bought from same hatch date etc... well they are about 3 weeks old and one is feathering out VERY slow, no...
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