Recent content by jmsim93

  1. jmsim93

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Does anyone know where I can get some Muscovies in East Texas???
  2. jmsim93

    Is it safe to blend a Merek vaccinated flock with a non-vac flock???

    I recently received chicks from Ideal that I decided to go ahead and vaccinate for Marek's disease. I was not thinking about my existing flock and I was wondering if it is safe to combine the two. What are your experiences?
  3. jmsim93

    Has Anyone Ordered Naked Necks From Ideal?????

    Any more NN fans out there?
  4. jmsim93

    Has Anyone Ordered Naked Necks From Ideal?????

    Here is one of my NN from Ideal. They are really good hearty birds, heavy and solid. I keep thinking if they don't stay in line they might end up on the dinner table! LOL
  5. jmsim93

    Has Anyone Ordered Naked Necks From Ideal?????

    Quote: That sounds kinda deceptive. It's a good thing that Ideal has been so good to me otherwise I might never order from them again! :-)
  6. jmsim93

    Has Anyone Ordered Naked Necks From Ideal?????

    hmmmm??? I wonder why they have them listed under the tinted eggs???
  7. jmsim93

    Has Anyone Ordered Naked Necks From Ideal?????

    Has anyone ordered NN from Ideal and if you have, do you get colored eggs from them? That's what they post on their site and mine have not started to lay yet. I was wondering if anyone out there is getting tinted eggs from their NN????
  8. jmsim93

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: She probably didnt' miss a day. I have an INCREDIBLE RIR layer who missed 2 days out of 95 days!!!! She is now slowing down since the cold weather and is only giving me 4 eggs a week. I don't scold her, though, because she did such a great job!!! :-) (wish the others would take her...
  9. jmsim93

    My first TINTED egg!!!! I'm sooooo eggcited!!!! *PIC*

    Quote: I didn't taste it by itself. I included it with the dozen I scrambled up for burritos this morning for breakfast. They were great eggs! :-)
  10. jmsim93

    My first TINTED egg!!!! I'm sooooo eggcited!!!! *PIC*

    Quote: They main ones are Easter Eggers & Ameraucanas but I think just about any breed can lay certain tinted eggs. Ideal lists Naked Necks, Faverolles, Dorkings & Red Jungle Fowl as tinted egg layers, too. I ordered Naked Necks with the expectation of getting tinted eggs...I'll keep...
  11. jmsim93

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5/15 :-( Many of mine are still not laying...figure they will start in the Spring.
  12. jmsim93

    My first TINTED egg!!!! I'm sooooo eggcited!!!! *PIC*

    I have 6 EE right now that are 5 days old. I wanted more tinted eggs in the future. I purchased the NN from Ideal because they said that theirs laid tinted eggs. I will keep everyone posted if they do.
  13. jmsim93

    My first TINTED egg!!!! I'm sooooo eggcited!!!! *PIC*

    After 7 months of waiting, I was thrilled to find my FIRST tinted egg! Why is it that such a small thing can derive so much pleasure??? Only my fellow chicken lover's out there will understand such a treasure. Just had to share...
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