Recent content by Jonnykatz

  1. Jonnykatz

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    red leghorn
  2. Jonnykatz

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    red leghorn?
  3. Jonnykatz

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    red leghorn?
  4. Jonnykatz

    Pair 6 month old English Jubilee Orpingtons Ball Ground Ga.

    hello, how much is a hen? I had 2 roosters that were supposed to be a pair. Now I have just one and would like a hen. I live in Canton. Thanks, Jon
  5. Jonnykatz

    The Imported English Jubilee Orpington Thread

    I have two jubilee Orpington that were supposed to be a pair but turned out to be both roosters. Do you know where I can order a female?
  6. Jonnykatz

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 1/12/15 - picture by Frances Salazar

    Rachel was always looking for her comb, even though it was attached to her head.
  7. Jonnykatz

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 1/12/15 - picture by Frances Salazar

    My rooster tail wasn't such a big hit, but all the chicks dig my new turtleneck.
  8. Jonnykatz

    I'm totally a spring chicken

    I'll have to ask him what kind they all are. I do remember he said a couple are Orpingtons
  9. Jonnykatz

    I'm totally a spring chicken

    I just became a chicken farmer yesterday when my friend, Jacob, who is moving to Colorado, bequested us with 8 chickens, a nice coop, and all we need to get started. Jacob knows a lot about chickens, and I know nothing. He recommended the site. Thanks Jacob!
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