Recent content by joyousjubilee

  1. joyousjubilee

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    I try to get my babies sexed straight awayby 3-5 days asthe pullets have a double row of wing feathers and if you turn them over and gently pull their vent out, the roos have a little bump on top where their penis iw located
  2. joyousjubilee

    **Fancy Rooster Contest!! Ends 2/28/16**

    My Jubilee Roo, Eric Cartman
  3. joyousjubilee

    Hi fellow chicken lovers

    I have owned and loved chickens for years, but this is my first venture into breeding. I have some juvenile Jubilees, a blue splash Orpington hen and a Crele Orpington rooster, a double blue laced Barnvelder young rooster, several Marans, some amazing Americaunas, and an Easter Egger roo and...
  4. joyousjubilee

    Greetings fellow fowl aficionados!

    Hi everyone! I have loved chickens always in a natural habitat. We had friends who had an egg ranch when I was growing up and I loved the chickens they had in the yard but despised going into the egg houses although they kept the cleanest and most humane operations that I have ever encountered...
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