Recent content by Julie Rhodes Stanley

  1. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    Hi everybody, i got the Spanish equivalent of Permithrin and sprayed the coop, their yard, sleeping area, nesting boxes and netting around some of the areas. I also using a very small paint brush, brushed some onto their combs and wattles. So now i just have to wait and see if all goes well. I...
  2. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    Not yet but am going to the Co-Opativo on Monday to get some layers pellets so will ask them then. I have got rid of all bedding and have scrubbed all sleeping units, roosting posts, water bowls etc with a watered solution of bleach that can be used to disinfect food etc. i have also raked out...
  3. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    I am in Fuerteventura in the Canaries, we have a Co-Opativo that sells goods for chickens, cats and dogs, we get our point of lay chickens from them when they get them delivered from the breeder and layers pellets also, they do other things too like hay etc. But iv never seen any medication or...
  4. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    Hi btguy thank you the problem i have is that i dont know where i can get 'permethrin' here my vet doesnt have it and only sold me a spray that has 'propoxur' in. it worked but they are back again so i must have missed some the 1st time round.
  5. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    MillersFarm, they are insects as ive pulled one off (with difficultly)and it moved also most of my chickens have them and its getting worse some have it behind their heads as well now.
  6. J

    New member from Fuerteventura.

    Hi everyone, 3 years ago we moved to a house with lots of land so even thou we had 3 dogs 5 cats a 1 duck we thought to enlarge our family, we now have 16 Muscovy ducks 4 of which are only 3 weeks old that we bread ourselves and we have 15 chickens, 2 are cockerels and 2 are bantams, 3 of these...
  7. J

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs and wattles.

    My hens have black insects attached to their combs, wattles and eye lids, i have tried a spay from the vets but have problem with spraying as mustn't get it in their eyes, iv tried spraying it into a cup and then painting it on with a brush but loose a lot in evaporation, It did work but they...
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