Recent content by Julielle

  1. Julielle

    Silkie colors...

    Sorry to ask what is probably a stupid questions... but What is the difference between a partridge and a splash? Sorry - I'm new to this =-)
  2. Julielle

    Silkie thread!

    I ended up with five of the eight eggs hatching (the first hatched 10/24 and #5 hatched 11/5. They are so adorable. The two moms were co-parenting so well. Then I let them all out in the yard the other day for the first time and the moms were so happy taking dust baths and rolling around the...
  3. Julielle

    Silkie thread!

    I did come home to more little cuties... one was even still wet when I got here. I have four little cuties now. =-) The moms are doing great with them. Here is another one of them
  4. Julielle

    Silkie thread!

    BTW - just wanted to post a pic of my new little cutie pie =-) The mom is a white silkie hen and the dad is one of the two sweeties in my profile pic
  5. Julielle

    Silkie thread!

    I decided to go ahead and leave the baby with the moms. I'm not sure but it looks like maybe another egg had a little crack in it. I couldn't tell if it was starting or if it was just a little piece of shell from the one that hatched was sticking to it. My cousin will be staying here with...
  6. Julielle

    Keep silkie chicks with mom?? Help soon please

    I am new to this whole hatching thing. One of my silkie eggs hatched this morning. This is the first clutch for both me and the hen. The breader that I got my Silkies from originally told me that Silkies are great at being broody but are not the best moms. I'd never heard that before. She...
  7. Julielle

    Silkie thread!

    New Silkie Mama...HELP! My first Silkie egg just hatched and I don't know whether I should pull it and put it under a heat lamp or leave it with the moms (my two white Silkies were sharing the nest). This is the first clutch for both of them. If I leave it with the moms are there any special...
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