Recent content by junglefowl1

  1. J


    Hi I am considering getting some flying ducks (I mean hatching fertilised eggs). Will they return home if they fly away? I have 3/4 of an acre and am going to put at least a mini-bath tub if not a pond on it.
  2. J

    Help duck breeds

    I changed my mind about muscovies, so I could always do them - they are common where I live and very good mothers/broody. Will they do well in an acre (without wing clipping)?
  3. J

    Help duck breeds

    I did some resaerch and I found that Cayuga, Orpington, Silver Appleyard, Magpie, Saxony and Swedish ducks will fit my bill.
  4. J

    Help duck breeds

    I looked up information online, and I found that if you keep mallards are a ratio of 1 drake to 3-4 hens, or for welsh harlequins 1 drake to 4-5 hens, overmating shouldn't be a problem. There aren't many duck breeders where I live so there are less breeds I can buy here.
  5. J

    Help duck breeds

    Just did some more browsing online, and I found that the ideal sex ratio to prevent overmating for mallards is about 1 drake to 3-4 hens, and the ideal ratio for Welsh Harlequins is 1 drake to 4-5 hens. Any more breeds that work? (the more options the better, because there aren't many duck...
  6. J

    Help duck breeds

    I heard that mallard ducks (at least in the wild) "rape" the females (I wouldn't amputate any of their body parts) so what sex ratio would I keep mallards at so that they don't overmate? What about Welsh Harlequins? I'm also considering those. Khaki Campbells are broody, but not good mothers...
  7. J

    Help duck breeds

    I would never clip their wings! I think it is cruel,and flying helps them escape from predators. As long as they stay in my property, I'm happy Will the drakes "rape" my ducks?
  8. J

    Help duck breeds

    I don't really mind if they can fly - only really if they stay in about an acre of space. Checked here for more information: They sound like a good breed I could have. They lay throughout the year (at least...
  9. J

    Help duck breeds

    Hi, there! I am considering getting some ducks soon, but I need information on what duck breed suits me. I am looking for duck breeds that (ordered by importance): - 4 ducks do well in about an acre of space (including a large pond) - Go broody AND are good mothers - Are friendly - OK-ish...
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