Help duck breeds

Just did some more browsing online, and I found that the ideal sex ratio to prevent overmating for mallards is about 1 drake to 3-4 hens, and the ideal ratio for Welsh Harlequins is 1 drake to 4-5 hens.

Any more breeds that work? (the more options the better, because there aren't many duck breeders where I live, so I have to get them from e-bay or something and the options are more limited)
Just did some more browsing online, and I found that the ideal sex ratio to prevent overmating for mallards is about 1 drake to 3-4 hens, and the ideal ratio for Welsh Harlequins is 1 drake to 4-5 hens.

Any more breeds that work? (the more options the better, because there aren't many duck breeders where I live, so I have to get them from e-bay or something and the options are more limited)
So what are you trying to say I'm confused?
I looked up information online, and I found that if you keep mallards are a ratio of 1 drake to 3-4 hens, or for welsh harlequins 1 drake to 4-5 hens, overmating shouldn't be a problem.

There aren't many duck breeders where I live so there are less breeds I can buy here.
Of your listed criteria, the only one where you are going to find significant differences between the breeds is in brooding/mothering. Just look that up, and order some ducks. If you can't decide which breed you like, just get a mix of breeds.
I would say my Khakis breeding is rape I have two males who will pick on a certain female and she is far from cooperative. One will try to breed while the other one will also try to breed at the same time and after. If that is not enough my one certain hen will also be pecking at the hen getting mated with. My teal on the other hand do a mating dance in the water and the hen lays her head and body flat to the water when she is ready.
I did some resaerch and I found that Cayuga, Orpington, Silver Appleyard, Magpie, Saxony and Swedish ducks will fit my bill.
I changed my mind about muscovies, so I could always do them - they are common where I live and very good mothers/broody. Will they do well in an acre (without wing clipping)?

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