Recent content by Katastrofy1967

  1. Katastrofy1967

    New chickens beating up old ones

    I hate to get rid of him. He does serve a purpose but if he is going to continue to hurt his girls then he leaves me no choice. He does seem to go after the astralorpes first. Which is weird because that is what he is. He just about killed the one I gave away first. I just don't understand his...
  2. Katastrofy1967

    New chickens beating up old ones

    Well being too small is not the problem, they have too coops with two large runs with a community run in the middle connecting the two together, they have two separate feeding stations. I have the older hens in the one coop now separated from the rooster and the rest of the flock. The rooster...
  3. Katastrofy1967

    New chickens beating up old ones

    I combined my pullets with my year-old hens and rooster. The rooster has taken to the new hens and the pecking order has changed to where the new girls have killed one if the original girls , the rooster won't let the original top hen even eat and has nearly pecked her to death. I have had...
  4. Henny Penny on the hunt.

    Henny Penny on the hunt.

  5. Henny Penny  and Roo

    Henny Penny and Roo

    This is just a couple pics to start of my fave hen Henny Penny and my rooster Roo Roo, and the coop. We have since expanded the coop into a condo. Roo actually has his feathers full with 12 hens. 2 black autralopes, 1 bared rock, 1 salmon falvarole, 1 red comet, ad the red are all road island...
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