Recent content by katrinabadina

  1. katrinabadina

    sick hen?

    We're first time owners and have a mixed flock. We've had one chicken that was introduced about 1 week after the others and was a bit smaller. They are all just over 8 months now. Anyways this one seems to be being picked on as of late. She was always more timid and hung back but now she...
  2. katrinabadina

    What bedding do you use? - POLL

    I agree with sand, sand and sand. We're newbie chicken parents and I was convinced to sand thanks to BYC. I think it's great. The only problem is I couldn't find any information about sand in the NESTBOX. We did end up buying some hay but the chickens just pull it out of the nestbox so I just...
  3. katrinabadina

    some gender/breed questions...

    I think you're right. The eggs have migrated from being laid willy-nilly to in the nestbox and I've only ever seen the RIR in there. Problem solved! the RIR is a hen and she's our layer. Thanks
  4. katrinabadina

    some gender/breed questions...

    thank you everybody!
  5. katrinabadina

    some gender/breed questions...

    thanks, that's what we are hoping as we can't have any roos in our area. Fingers crossed others agree. In this picture you can see the legs of both the RIR and the wynadotte, if it helps, though it is them at 4 months
  6. katrinabadina

    some gender/breed questions...

    All these guys/gals are just over 6 months old. We got our first egg today and I think it was from this one, the orange one. I guess it was from this one, Boise, because of a feather that was stuck to the egg. She (?), we is a farmyard blend, possibly a wynadotte mix? Can you see the...
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