Recent content by Ken112978

  1. Ken112978


    Thanks we have had rain and cold night my wife did say one sounded like it had a cough and they do sleep outside on top of the coop I built for them they won't stay inside my coop at night
  2. Ken112978


    Hello I've started to raise turkeys they are about 2-3 months old and in the passed 2 days I've had 2 drop dead they day before they were fine then the next day they could stand walk or move much then they just dropped dead here is a pic of ones head could I have black head disease
  3. Ken112978

    Help I'm raising turkeys and chickens my turkeys are about 2 2 1/2 months old and I've had 2...

    Help I'm raising turkeys and chickens my turkeys are about 2 2 1/2 months old and I've had 2 drop dead one day they are fine
  4. Ken112978


  5. Ken112978


    Hello to all out their I've tried to incubate turkeys and guinna hens my turkeys was a big flop I only had one developed now I let my Guinnas go 10 days pasted their do date I used the Hatchabatch app I just cracked 2 eggs and had developed keets so I stopped do you think they are dead or should...
  6. Ken112978


    Hello I have question should I have a rooster for my flock could someone tell me the pros and cons to this
  7. Ken112978

    Baby chicks

    Thanks no predator problem ATM they have been in their coop for 3-4 weeks now
  8. Ken112978

    Baby chicks

    I have 11 week old chicks and I have 30 layers I let my layers free range and I'm able to get them back in their coops but my chicks are still afraid of us will they return to their coop can I let them free range or should I keep them in their coop for a bit longer
  9. Ken112978

    Pullet or cockerel and breed

    I just started raising chickens back in January. I started with 10 red sex linked layers chickens then I bought 8 Rhode Island Red then picked up 21 more of this red sex linked layers I was told that the linked were a year old none seem broody but the first 10 I got were giving me 8-10 eggs a...
  10. Ken112978

    Pullet or cockerel and breed

    I don't know if I really want a roo
  11. Ken112978

    Pullet or cockerel and breed

    Thanks for the welcome will this Roos breed my Rhode Island Reds
  12. Ken112978

    Pullet or cockerel and breed

    Sorry he/she is 11 week old
  13. Ken112978

    Pullet or cockerel and breed

    I bought chick from a hatchery and was given a free chick I'm new to the chicken world and wonder if anyone can tell me the breed of this chicken and if it's a pullet or a cockeal
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