Recent content by labsnchickens

  1. labsnchickens

    Hoover's hatchery legbar Easter Eggers

    Any updates on these chicks? I have some from hoover that look very similar.
  2. labsnchickens

    Hoover hatchery choice 6 week chicks

    I ordered 20 hatchery choice egg layer chicks from hoover hatchery. The description says brown and white egg layers. I've figured out most of them but am confused by the following... There are 2 with more chestnut colored chest, 2 darker brown and the 1 gray neck.
  3. labsnchickens

    What breeds are these adults?

    Just got our first chickens, just picked some out of an old man's flock and was wondering if yall could verify the breeds he said they were. The only two I don't know are the rooster and the bantam. Red sussex? Americana? Some kind of bantam : And most importantly the rooster:
  4. Our chickens

    Our chickens

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