Lady J
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  • Rescue thread: Depending on where, health, breed and age, we may be interested in taking in a few...
    Lady J
    Lady J
    Are you in Arkansas? These are in the Searcy area. Since they have been abandoned, many of those questions are going to be unknown. That's why I am asking the question of more experienced owners about the risk to my flock. I have only had my girls since last May. I got them all at once and all from the same person.
    I am in AR. We are near Mountain View. We have chicks right now so I would be interested in seeing what others have to say. I think the risk depends on the circumstances the chickens were found in. More info on that would be helpful. (We the people good caretakers but got evicted or were they negligent and lazy? )
    Lady J
    Lady J
    I think all of those questions are unknowns. I'll post again if I find out more.
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