Recent content by larissap112

  1. larissap112

    Two Australorps, 15 weeks old, looking very different...

    Which one are you referring to? And what breed do you think they each are?
  2. larissap112

    Two Australorps, 15 weeks old, looking very different...

    Ok, my husband says he thinks the bigger one is a Black Orpington and the smaller is an Australorp. She's too big to be a bantam really.
  3. larissap112

    Two Australorps, 15 weeks old, looking very different...

    Well I'll be. See, one of the chickens was a "suprise" substitute from My Pet Chicken and all this time we just assumed we had two Australorps. I guess now the question is, just what the heck breed IS the smaller one???
  4. larissap112

    Two Australorps, 15 weeks old, looking very different...

    Two Australorps, both 15 weeks, looking quite different. Chicken 1 is smaller built with very long tail feathers. Chicken 2 is more robust, with a shorter tail. Which is hen, which is a roo? Or are they both hens as my husband insists?
  5. larissap112

    Morning Glories and Chickens

    The fence part was already a given. :) Thanks guys!
  6. larissap112

    Morning Glories and Chickens

    I adore morning glories and want to plant some this spring to grow up my back deck columns. Will the chickens eat them? Is there any danger?
  7. larissap112

    What's the difference between white rock and white leghorn?

    *stumbles and trips* *bump* Oops...
  8. larissap112

    I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa

    Nothing like an expert with over 47k posts to make it hard to live in your own denial. My husband is going to be so upset. Yeah, we're a bit neurotic with our pet chickens, lol.
  9. larissap112

    I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa

    I'm not giving up. Molly's tail feathers look exactly the same as her nest mates, and her body shape does, too. Molly's tail feathers sprouted at the same time, same size, as theirs. My other RIR roo didn't have this huge comb and wattle, his didn't start coming in until about 8 weeks. And he...
  10. larissap112

    I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa

    It was the shipping. I can only legally have 4 chickens in my city, so I could only order the minimum of 3 chicks. That was $45 for 3 chicks, vaccinations and overnight shipping.
  11. larissap112

    I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *sobbs sobbs sobbs* This would be the second time I tried for a RIR pullet and they turned out to be a roo! The first was from TSC, this one I spent big bucks on from My Pet Chicken. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  12. larissap112

    I'm pretty sure she's a RIR pullet, but at 6 weeks what the heck is with the size of her comb and wa

    Molly has a comb and wattle almost as large as my 26 week old Buff Orpington. She IS a she, right? And a Rhode Island Red?
  13. larissap112

    The waste! Oh the wasted feed...

    Glad to hear it worked for you! Another hint - before I put in the food, I used a little epoxy to hold the top to the bottom part. It comes apart way too easily.
  14. larissap112

    The waste! Oh the wasted feed...

    lynhill, I don't think zuluchicken flips it. They simply cut the bottom off so they can use it like a funnel, and scoop the feed into the chute.
  15. larissap112

    The waste! Oh the wasted feed...

    Hey guys, I thought I'd update this thread to show you my final solution. It really was so dang simple, so cheap, so easy. All that was needed was simply to raise the lip. That's it. the trough was just too shallow, making it easy for the birds to scatter the feed in their frenzy. Now, how...
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