Recent content by lfwilson

  1. lfwilson

    Please help! Suddenly sick chicks!

    One of my three week old buff orbingtons dropped dead about an hour ago with no symptoms. Now another buff is lathergic with blood coming out of her vent. No bloody droppings or prior doesn't immediately sound like cocci. I'm crushed and desperate and can't get to a vet until...
  2. lfwilson

    Halp! I have a 2 week old chick who is a little "off". I can't tell if she is sick, or maybe just a

    I have a two week old chick who just doesn't behave like the rest of the flock. She doesn't seem to socialize with the other chicks. While everyone else is running around and fighting for treats out of my hand, she generally stays in a corner of the brooding box and rests her head in the corner...
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