Recent content by Little is Much

  1. Little is Much

    Baby Duck With Swollen Lump on Head Help

    Hello. So yesterday when we went to the feed store the manager stopped us and asked if we wanted a baby duck with a small problem. He only asked us because we have been known to take the ones that no one likes or the ones that will get culled just because they aren't perfect. We nurse them back...
  2. Little is Much

    Baby Duck With Swollen Lump on Head Help

    Hello. So yesterday when we went to the feed store the manager stopped us and asked if we wanted a baby duck with a small problem. He only asked us because we have been known to take the ones that no one likes or the ones that will get culled just because they aren't perfect. We nurse them back...
  3. Little is Much

    Chicken with beak rot Help!? Possible Canker??

    I don't think it is beak necrosis. Thanks though.
  4. Little is Much

    Acidified Copper Sulfate

    I don't think you can,but I'm not sure.
  5. Little is Much

    Chicken with beak rot Help!? Possible Canker??

    O.K. so a month almost two month ago, my Buff Orpington's beak started rotting. We searched everywhere and tries everything, but we still could not find anything online or in books. We ended up having to put her down since she couldn't eat and it smelled like she was rotting from inside. Gross I...
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